Bioidentical hormone replacement can provide renewed energy, improved cognition, balanced moods, healthier weight, better sleep, and an overall enhanced quality of life when customized properly under a doctor's care.
Bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to those your body produces naturally. They are carefully prepared, not synthetic.
Bioidentical hormones can be taken orally, as pellets placed under the skin, as creams, gels or sprays. Each method has pros and cons to evaluate with your healthcare provider.
Getting your hormone levels tested is crucial for bioidentical hormone replacement to be effective. Wellness Hormone Clinic uses advanced testing to detect deficiencies early and customize treatment.
Your symptoms and hormone levels will be reassessed over time to ensure your treatment plan is optimized. We collaborate so you feel your best.
Unlike synthetic hormones commonly used in hormone therapy, bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. As a result, some research suggests that bioidentical hormones may have fewer side effects, though more studies are still needed to confirm this potential benefit.
Our outstanding physicians have advanced training in bioidentical hormone therapy and craft personalized plans using the latest medical research and quality preparations. We empower your wellbeing.